November 6 - 8, 2007, VOLGOGRAD
The goal of the forum devoted to the World Quality Day and European Quality Week is to unite all persons who are ready to provide their knowledge, background and talent for service to Russia to achieve high quality living of Russian citizens and country in whole: that is producing Russian products of high quality, providing high quality services meeting the high demands of the customers, that is increasing the quality of management on all levels of the state and municipal department services and as a consequence increasing the quality of Russian citizens life.
That should be ideological bases for consolidating the Russian society, for growing up economic potential of the country, for stable developing of the country basing on succession of best world and native practices to increase the competitiveness of Russia worldwide.
Following the idea of TQM this Forum has to:
develop and strength cooperation of specialists in spheres of energy, transport, agriculture, information technology, environment preservation, public health service, education, management of social process to use the best practice in problems solution in realization of national higher priority programs of Russia;
promote accumulation of the innovative ideas which are aimed at the development of those methods of factory and social process management which will help Russia to provide a stable and progressive development for many years;
promote further development of the production sector and trade, to enhance Russian economy competitiveness.
The program of the Forum includes: plenary session, subject conferences, exhibition, seminar “Practical Program Of Revolutions in Factories. 20 KEYS”©, business-friendly visits on the best factories of Volgograd city.
The main issues for discussions:
Social responsibility of business and stable development of Russia. Quality of state and municipal management;
Methods of increasing of competitiveness of the factories;
The role of the general directors of the factory in quality management;
Models of business excellence;
Motivation of employees – the way to quality product production;
Leaders and teams;
Effective relationship with the customers;
Influence of the mass media on the quality of life of the Russian people.
The main reports will be delivered by famous Russian and foreign politics, scientists and practice specialists, economists and specialists in quality sphere, directors of Russian leading large enterprises and especially from the Volga region. There will be an exhibition where there will be exhibits of regions and exhibition stands of the factories – leaders which will provide a visualization of their achievements in theory and practice of production quality insurance, high service providing and in quality management in Russia.
This forum has to settle the problem – to remind each and every person that the payment for defective work of managers, designers, house builders, assemblers, engineers, workers, physicians, drivers is a lost of life and health of the people and terrific tangible and non-tangible damage of the state. These losses will be multiplied if the society will not change it’s behavior to the quality issues. That will live on dependence on those who have taken the responsibility for country management, it’s economy and social processes, but at the same time on all of us – each person on his work place.
The important results of the Forum should be publications in the business and special press, mass media, that the best practices would be accepted everywhere where they could work for the Russia and it’s citizens advantage.